
[MusicVideo] Bodies / Drowing pool

Let the bodies hit the floor!!!!!!!!

down down baby~

這首歌[Bodies]屍體?? 是由一個叫做[Drowning pool]淹死人小水塘??所演唱的...MV很HIGH 以下附上歌詞...

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Beaten why for
Can't take much more

Here we go...Here we go...Here we go

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me

One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Push me again
This is the end

Here we go...Here we go...Here we go

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me

One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Skin against skin blood and bone
You're all by yourself but you're not alone
You wanted in now you're here
Driven by hate consumed by fear

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me

One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

The floor...The floor...The floor...The floor

首先是搭上PS2經典動作冒險遊戲[Devil May Cry3] 帥氣斬殺惡魔 聽這首歌果然是很搭~

再來 我看到了恐怖片[活人生吃Dawn of the Dead]



這首收在drowing pool 的2001 發行的siner,整張的爽度很夠,我把他歸類在nu metal,失戀時我就是聽這張,想把悲傷的情緒趕走,不過還是沒用,聽到董事長的"新男性的復仇",眼類就噴出來了,很高興遇到同好

Posted by evisu0915 at May 5,2007 02:09




[GAME] FullHD 俄羅斯方塊

高清遊戲的時代來臨啦!!!!!!!!!!! 所以連俄羅斯方塊也要超進化〔FullHD 俄羅斯方塊〕果然棒~XD http://kuroazuki.googlepages.com/tetoris.html 真是是吐嘈滿點呀 嘎哈哈 只有畫面長寬比變成FuuHD方塊卻...
